Cooling lubricants are essential in machining metals for reducing heat and to remove chips. To achieve efficient results during production, it is important to use the correct cooling lubricant dosing. This can be achieved with a proportional dosing device.
In the metalworking industry, lubricants are used to dissipate heat during drilling, milling, cutting, grinding and other machining processes. They are also used to flush chips away from the surface area of the workpiece and improve surface quality. The areas of energy efficiency and sustainability are important considerations in selecting a fluid for this application and this has led to the development of new cutting fluids.
With the successful launch of the innovative two-component-process Bonderite Dual-Cys, Henkel Adhesive Technologies has set a new benchmark in the development of metalworking lubricants. Synergies between lubricant and cleaner are used to reduce costs, improve performance, save energy, reduce waste and improve working conditions.
In this new dual process, the cleaning bath is 100% recycled into the cutting lubricant. The process enables a type of pre-cleaning with low foaming at low cleaning temperatures in the tooling machine.
Martin Desinger, Business Development Manager for Machining Lubricants at Henkel, comments: “Recycling the cleaning solution instead of disposing of it and using the synergies between the cleaner and the water-soluble cutting fluids results in high lubrication performance, superior purity of the parts and excellent corrosion protection.”
For companies, the use of Bonderite Dual-Cys results in cost reductions of up to 40% due to more efficient use of coolant, water and energy consumption as well as reduced disposal volumes. To further increase the energy efficiency and sustainability of the tooling machine, Henkel recommends the use of the LDT Dosatron Proportional Pumps for routine dosing of the lubricants.
Read more: How to get the correct dosing of cooling lubricants