Industry News

Phosphate Coatings: Some Basic Points
The applications of paints and powder coatings have become more pronounced over the years. Beginning in the 1980s into the 2000s, it was estimated these organic coatings had, in the time span, replaced plated finishes by approximately 65-80% on selected types of parts. A variety of parts that comprise products in consumer, automotive, aerospace, military, and construction abound, along with other end users. In everyday use, we are accustomed to seeing and using consumer items such as shopping carts, shelving, and especially the vehicles we ride in. Organic coatings continue to be in demand and popularly applied. Iron phosphates are ...

Zinc Phosphate: Questions and Answers
Zinc Phosphate Sludge Q: We run a zinc phosphate spray coating line where mostly mild steel is treated. Since the startup of the line, we have experienced problems with excessive sludge buildup. We have tried the following to resolve the matter: Increased TA/FA ratio to 20. Run an alkaline cleaner with no free alkalinity. Installed sludge filters to continuously remove the sludge. Performed AA analysis on the sludge to determine Fe:Zn ratios; Fe=7% and Zn=2%. Adjusted operating temperature to 55-60C. Adjusted operating pressure to 1.5 bar. Dosed phosphate and accelerator with a dosing pump to maintain concentration levels. Could you please ...

The 8 Most Common Forms of Metal Corrosion
Corrosion is defined as the deterioration of a material as a result of chemical reactions between it and the surrounding environment. Although corrosion affects a variety of materials including polymers and ceramics, the term is most often associated with the degradation of metals. In a 2016 study conducted by the NACE (formerly known as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and outlined in their publication “The International Measures of Prevention, Application and Economics of Corrosion Technology (IMPACT),” corrosion incurs a global cost of $US 2.5 trillion dollars. This figure represents roughly 3.4 percent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ...

Improving Transfer Efficiencies in Coating Operations
Q: How do I improve transfer efficiency in my spray operation? A: There are several factors that impact transfer efficiency, including the spray equipment being used — both air and fluid pressure — as well as ambient temperature, humidity and moving air in the paint area. Additional factors include the actual shape and size of the paint target, and the spray finishing methods, including atomization and the individual or robots operating the spray applicator. Finally, the electrical conditions of the applicator, paint material, metal target and holding fixture/carrier is very important and impacts both the paint transfer efficiency and the ...

Basic Facts in Metal Cleaning
Preparation for processing it for application 0f a non-metallic zinc phosphate for either corrosion protection or painting In metal cleaning it is generally overlooked that water plays the most important part. Its condition (hard or soft), and degrees thereof determines the performance of the chemicals dissolved in it. The efficiency of any cleaner is directly proportional to how if performs in water. The chemical must do three important things. First, it must tie-up or inactivate hard water ions for better rinsing and cleaning. Second, it must lower the surface tension of the water— in effect, it makes water wetter. Third, ...

Cleaning Stainless Steel
Stainless steels are highly corrosion resistant—however, stainless steel applications can still remain at risk to surface damage. Oxidation, corrosion, rusting, or staining can occur over the long-term in harsh environments without routine cleaning and maintenance. Repeat mechanical damage also contributes to a faster degradation of the metal. All stainless steels contain at least 10.5% chromium by weight. It is this chromium content that creates a shield called the passive layer, which protects stainless steel from corrosion—unlike other steels. The higher the chromium content, the greater the corrosion resistance. Stainless steel rusting occurs when the passive layer is damaged and there ...